Congratulations -- and thank you! I've been playing with Hy on and off (tried to do transformers with it, and then released written in hy). Time to pick it up again and take it for a spin
Iain M Banks, the culture series touches on immortality and choosing / not choosing it. [edit: didn't read carefully enough. Sadly, he won't be available for interviewing]
I just use emacs + org mode -> org-publish to generate my site [1] from org-mode with some customizations; it's been the most flexible and fun way to build a site I've had across all my attempts so far, particularly given that I can go meta and also publish the htmlized raw org files at the same time [2].
I'm a vim user, but org mode is one of the things that I really like the sound of from emacs.
For vim, I use vimwiki[0] in (github flavour) markdown[1] mode, and also publish the entire site to HTML. I really just use it for notes, rather than an entire website, but still, one could.
Julia Evans also has a very nice zine on debugging: