Is it possible to approximate the amount of caffeine based on the beans weight I use for brewing? Before I take any further steps I'd like to know how close to the danger zone I am.
I have one of the more obscure iPhone ringtones as my alarm. My wife was trying new ringtones yesterday and when she tried the one I have as alarm I literally shuddered.
In my iPhone 5, it seems to point exactly in the opposite direction. The included Compass app works perfectly. I don't know if this matters or not, but I'm in South America.
It gets better every time I try again, but I'm still missing four things:
- Good project management. I tried the project-manager plugin, but it doesn't seem to remember my fuzzy finder options and reindexes everything every time.
- Good Vim emulation, like Vintageous in Sublime.
- Keyboard mapping override. I use cmd-j and cmd-k for switching tabs in Sublime. I cannot map this easily in Atom.
- Actually, I disabled tabs in Sublime and only use the side bar. I miss this in Atom too.