If possible, leave USA. There are political systems around the world that aren’t broken and there are some that are actually being fixed by voters (e.g. Australia). But USA is broken for at least our lifetimes.
The reason those other places around the world aren’t broken* is because people had the mentality of putting in hard work toward the future. If everyone shared what you thought and fled at a moment of hardship, the whole world would go to shit really fast.
*your opinion, not mine. I don’t think USA is that bad of a place and I don’t put Australia on a pedestal.
I’m leaving for Western Europe, all of the tools I need for advocacy and accountability work just fine from over there (laptop and mobile device are all that is required). I’m unable to run for office, I am not an ideal candidate for various reasons. I want the country improved long term, but am unwilling to suffer in the short term because of, for lack of a better words, the malevolent and troglodytes. In the case of voting, you can’t persuade some people even with evidence and data. You might just have to wait for old people to age out (1.8 million voters over the age of 55 age out every year) and younger folks (open to new ideas and mental models) to come of age, before there are improved chances of success. If you have to wait somewhere, don’t wait here if you don’t have to (life lesson: never suffer needlessly).
(I also contribute time to helping anyone wanting to expat out of the US get to higher quality jurisdictions, Europe, Australia, etc)
I don’t anticipate taking advantage of the advice, but can you share any references on navigating such a long term move to Europe? I’ve been told Portugal is a good starting point.
Enjoy (genuinely). I don’t know where I’ll die, I just know where I don’t want to live as someone with substantial empathy. I don’t have much hope near term here, and hope is everything.
Solid jurisdiction to consider but too cold for my tastes and parts are expensive. If you can afford Vancouver or Toronto, or don’t mind living in Calgary or Montreal (one of my favorite places on Earth when warm, also the safest city in North America) instead, it’s a fine place to expat to while remaining close to US soil.
You only live once.