I first started using xwax in 2011. Been on and off until last year when my PC setup changed. Currently blocked from using it because the armbian won't recognize the Audio4DJ soundcard. I definitely need to put time into fixing that.
Nature will find a way if it has enough room for trial and error. Say, millions of germs mutating inside millions of hosts using antibiotics, trillions of mutations trying to beat a single molecule. By the time the Cretaceous environment recovered, birdosaurs could not regain their place on the top of the food chain because that space was taken over by mammals.
So if the extinction is swift and massive enough, the ecosystem will shift and there will not be a way to be found. So you should always ask: what dreadful bloodsucking beasts will replace the mosquito ?
I would much rather prefer they breed a transgenic mosquito unable to spread dengue than try to wipe all mosquitoes off the face of the planet.
When you look at the successes of nature you cannot help but marvel at it's ingenuity. But then you look at it's failures and you can only marvel at it's stupidity.
Nature is just like a password cracker tries all possible combinations of characters. Most tries are wrong and the clock is always ticking.
If you are squatting heavy, as you should be doing if you are training with the goal to increase your overall strength, walking up a couple floors shouldn't be too hard of a task and I am pretty sure there are more benefits to it than it would hurt your other goals.