I'd like to push back on this. I feel my friends & SO love me essentially unconditionally, but are simply ill-equipped to express that in a supportive way.
Between the two genders, men also disproportionately take the lion’s share of the spoils of war/relationship/employment/power/clout.
So here when men are judged by utility, it is essentially competition between the males of the species themselves.
It isn’t dissimilar to ape societies or lions. The alpha wars are happening due to testosterone. There is most certainly an evolutionary and biological reasoning for this.
This has nothing to do with women. Please leave us out of this.
The problem with services like Airalo is that they almost never give you a local phone number. In many countries getting a phone number involves showing a physical id.
That XYZ Energy Corp. of Delaware is building a storage facility, and that Tesla is selling battery packs in the same place, does not really imply two different projects. Could be the same project.
My back of the envelope calcs say that if batteries energy density increases by 30-50% the weight penalty for electric cars disappears. It's a fuzzy line because it depends on the cars range.
Difference between electric and gasoline cars. With a gas car the marginal cost of extra range is low. With electric it's high. With gas cars the marginal cost of extra HP is high where with electric it's low.
Not in SV. $400k gets you to the lower middle class. That is you probably have a tiny chance of buying some real estate in your lifetime. House and expenses related to maintaining it is a huge chunk of change.
140k is believable, but I think they mean it's per person. If you rent, it's very unlikely you'd be able to buy a 1.2M house on 140k if you started with 0 in savings.
EDIT: To clarify my previous post - I was talking about the household income.
I agree that it might be tough to buy a median house with median income in some areas, however you can easily afford to buy a decent house almost anywhere with $400k income.
Don't kid yourself. Even here in the Bay Area, $400K a year is still upper middle class. You'd be in the top 3% of earners across the nine bay area counties.
Again, you're kidding yourself. Even if you bought a new house today with no existing equity, you could easily afford $11K a month in mortgage. That's a house that's over $2M. And still have $10K a month left for other expenses.
The definition of the middle class would surely depend on the cost of living in the particular area. You can make $30k and live like royalty in the 99% of the world.
No, compressed oops mode doesn't change at runtime. That's pretty hard to pull off. You'd need to change object layout dynamically and unless you want to reformat the whole heap you'd need tags or regions with different pointer rules. Any of these techniques would have a very substantial runtime overhead.
AOT implementation in the JDK, that we call the "HotSpot AOT" implements tiered compilation (look for $JAVA_HOME/bin/jaotc). It is also based on Graal, but with a different set of plugins. You get reasonably good startup and re-JITing afterwards. Of course it doesn't give you compactness on the SVM, but it supports regular java code with class loading, reflection, etc.
I didn't realize this until recently. Rude awakening. Even the most close relationships turn out to be quite transactional.