I'm also a Swede living abroad. I have signed up with Swish using a non-Swedish phone number (but with Swedish bank account), it works fine in most cases. I do have an address though, but not in Sweden.
I do something similar (but less portable and more verbose) in C++ sometimes when I want to prototype something. My boilerplate is something like this:
HA! I was about to share my way, but you seem to have done more or less what I have in C instead!
I was having fun with old Golang C code before they started bootstrapping in Go and have found they were using interpunct to separate function names, so I decided to play around with shellscript-like C code to goof around:
#if 0
set -e; [ "$0" -nt "$0.bin" ] &&
gcc -O2 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -std=c11 "$0" -o "$0.bin" -s
exec "$0.bin" "$@"
#include <stdio.h>
void runtime·sysAlloc(void);
int main(void)
unsigned age = 44;
printf("I am %u years old.\n", age);
return 0;
void runtime·sysAlloc(void) {
printf("Hello from C code, %d!\n", 90);
You could give my email client https://github.com/d99kris/nmail a shot. It does basic html email parsing (leveraging w3m and pandoc) and its user interface is inspired by pine.
Thanks, I was curious what are the main differences to Meson (the only general build system so far that I enjoyed using). From these past discussions I gathered:
Xmake's biggest advantage: it's a single binary (vs Meson requiring Python)
Meson's biggest advantage (aside from popularity): it's a declarative DSL rather (vs including a full-blown programming language like Lua in Xmake)
(The second point is subjective, I know some think that including a full programming language is a strength but to my eyes it's a downside that largely outweighs the Python dependency.)
> Meson's biggest advantage (aside from popularity): it's a declarative DSL rather
I personally don't consider this an advantage. We've ran into the limitations of a DSL way too often at work and at this point I prefer just having a plain programming language as an interface. This way you don't have to learn a custom DSL with its own quirsk, you always have the escape hatch of just writing custom code, and it tends to be less quirky.
I find that C and C++ need nontrivial code generation or environment tuning often enough that you really want a Turing complete expression syntax available.
There is the largely feature compatible muon¹ re-implementation that doesn't require Python, it is packaged in a few distributions too. As in all things of this nature there are some caveats².
It is actually pretty useful to have installed alongside meson, even if just for access to the manpages as documentation.
I understand their announcement says app passwords will stay (for now). But should Google eventually also deprecate app passwords, it would really restrict the use of third-party clients with GMail, given the self-paid security assessment OAuth clients must undergo. It would be a sad development given that email is one of the last popular "open messaging protocols" in use, where one can choose what client to use.
This is a very interesting data source. So let's say for "Model-specific statistics on faults detected in passenger cars during inspection in 2022 by year of entry into service (in Finnish)", I should be looking at column "Hylkäys-%" sorted in ascending order to find the models with least failed inspections?
Higher Hylkäys-% = more failed inspections. It translates to "disqualification-%". So for example in the 2022 data the worst car was 2009 Dodge Caliber with only about a third out of 171 cars passing the inspection.