This website is considered aiding and abetting copyright infringement which is a serious crime. They will DMCA your hosting to take you down, and then sue you regardless of the fact that you live in canada...should've made this site anonymously with a prepaid credit card at a coffee shop...not very smart bro. I suggest hosting in norway since they don't bother with DMCA. In addition you don't have a DMCA agent which means you are not protected under DMCA. It is very easy to register a DMCA agent but most people that do something illegal knowingly such as yourself have a lawyer register for them. If i were you, i would probably shut down this site since it's not worth the trouble it will cause you and your friends. Relaunch it anonymously with another's your best protection.
Also remember that when you buy a new domain, make up your contact information and never ever use your real info even for a second because there are many whois data providers that scrape and save whois info changes. You can buy historical whois data for $10 bucks.
Another tip is never respond to DMCA emails from your hosting provider if they forward you one and won't turn your site back up until your reply. They will ask you state your name and declare under perjury that you will remove the infringing content from your website. In most cases, they will share this information with the person that filed the DMCA request and that will blow your cover. When something like that happens, just move your hosting. Never buy hosting for more than 3 months at a time.
Take it from someone who has been in the porn business for a long time.
Also remember that when you buy a new domain, make up your contact information and never ever use your real info even for a second because there are many whois data providers that scrape and save whois info changes. You can buy historical whois data for $10 bucks.
Another tip is never respond to DMCA emails from your hosting provider if they forward you one and won't turn your site back up until your reply. They will ask you state your name and declare under perjury that you will remove the infringing content from your website. In most cases, they will share this information with the person that filed the DMCA request and that will blow your cover. When something like that happens, just move your hosting. Never buy hosting for more than 3 months at a time.
Take it from someone who has been in the porn business for a long time.
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