Someone on polish told me, that this way works only with terminals based on libXt (for example xterm, aterm, eterm, urxvt). Someone else want to contribute and write export to other terminals, that would be very nice:). If you want to use these colors right now, you may just copy hex codes into your terminal's configuration.
Ohhh boy you brought back memories of Textmate for me! I used to use Monokai also. Great color scheme! Loved it until I found a need to have a bit less contrast in my code. For some reason I got so used to the contrast that I only saw stuff in the pink/fushia and my mind completely ignored the rest.
Hi all. I think I did something cool and I want to share it with you. Who loves Linux knows, that customizing things sometimes takes too much time. Customizing terminal color schemes is one of these things. I present you the 4bit - Terminal Color Scheme Designer, which allows you to create your own theme and generate .Xresources / .Xdefaults config in just few minutes:). Thanks for voting, digging, tweeting, liking or whatever - I really appreciate it! Enjoy. :)
I'd like to be able to drag the two thumbs on each "Lightness" slider past each other, to invert the usual relationship. (Just splitting them into two sliders each would be fine.) Otherwise, this is really great.