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You claim 1 is debunked but you’re replying to a quote from GP indicating Canada will accept the plane as per 1?

If you can back up the claim that 1 is debunked with a credible source, I suggest shorting Boeing stock because it means the 737 max is a complete failure, the line will likely be killed as it won’t be able to compete with the Neo, and stock price going to plummet through the floor.

No, Canada would accept the plane as per 2.

Source for any of this? The notion of Canada accepting the plane on looser conditions than FAA is laughable.

Disrupting the control signal doesn’t force a landing. Even on super locked down DJI drones you can program several actions, including continuing a waypoint mission.

Jammers are a moronic idea for this task. They cause an unpredictable response and increase risk.

You might wanna take those issues up to the people actually working on these things [0], I only shared what I remembered about startups working on the problem.

[0] https://newatlas.com/droneshield-dronegun-mkiii-jamming-dron...

They are aware of the limitations, read the carefully worded marketing on that page:

"When on target, they can prompt a drone to land safely on the spot or return to its point of takeoff, while cutting the video livestream back to the operator immediately."

Just because someone is making a product doesn't mean the product isn't stupid. I remember there was a mob making another anti-drone 'gun' which jammed GPS. That didn't end well for them.

Unless the target drone is actively being used in a hostile manner (as opposed to idiots flying where they shouldn't be), then removing the operator's control of the drone without establishing another means of control makes the situation more dangerous.

> Having read your link 2 and 3, I see they also don't support the point you are making (the first describes how to recycle turbine blades into concrete and is looking for more applications, the second says solar panels are 90% recyclable

The 90% recyclable figure refers to the materials that can be used in low grade applications. The remaining 10% are the rare earth minerals that actually make the panel work and need to be mined.

You’re not talking about recycling, you’re talking about downcycling to a nearly worthless product. It will be cheaper just to send the old panels to landfill. How are these power sources renewable if they are only possible if we keep mining our dwindling natural resources?

> The 90% recyclable figure refers to the materials that can be used in low grade applications.

[1] says that "[the waste components] are crushed into granulates that can used to make new panels". Are new panels a "low grade application"?

> The remaining 10% are the rare earth minerals that actually make the panel work and need to be mined.

Excuse me, but what "rare earth minerals" are you talking about? There are none in solar panels, much less 10% of them. (That would be 2 kg per average panel, mind you!)

[1] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-solar-recycling/europes-f...

> Excuse me, but what "rare earth minerals" are you talking about? There are none in solar panels



Did you just seriously use a VICE article as a source for technical information? Aside from that gaffe, even they don't mention any use for rare earth metals in solar panels. I challenge you to find some use that would make sense in your bog-standard crystalline silicon PV panel. I've never been able to find any.


Refer to Fig. 11.1

If you need more help to identify REM or understand basic PV chemistry, get in touch with a local middle school chem tutor, they will help you out.

Zero mention of rare earth metals in conjunction with PV, as expected. Thanks for agreeing with me.

[EDIT: Even in wind turbines, they're not technically necessary, as, e.g., Enercon turbines such as https://www.enercon.de/en/products/ep-8/e-126/ with induction generators are demonstrating. But I'm glad we dispelled once and for all this with this nonsense that lanthanoids have anything to do with PV technology.]

Hahaha that actually sounds plausible

Unethical doesn’t ring true for you even as fb faces a multi billion dollar lawsuit over targeted manipulation of individuals in concert with Cambridge Analytica?


I don't have a dog in this fight, but what a bizarre comment. You think to be consistent OP would have to abandon their family and friends and go to another country? That's the same thing as having ethical concerns regarding which job to take?

how is it different?

moving away from family and friends is worse than being complicit in massacre of millions of ppl ?

> That's the same thing as having ethical concerns regarding which job to take?

yeah same logic. Working at FB is automatically being complicit in their unethical behavior even if you aren't directly working on any such thing.

You don’t see how a gpu accelerated numeric array would speed up ray tracing?

The bottlenecks for raytracing are primarily in scene traversal/intersection testing--which does not benefit from a GPU-accelerated array structure.

No, I'm not. I'm well aware of CUDA being used to accelerate raytracing. That cannot be accomplished by simply providing a GPU-accelerated data frame structure, as cuDF provides.

I upvoted the gp post just so it and your reply can be kept visible.

This dismissive attitude towards the slow but steady incremental erosion of privacy and authoritarian creep terrifies me. It's like people have completely forgotten about not-so-distant history, and are not just tolerating, but welcoming the mechanisms of oppression rolling out once again. In the name of catching a dozen or so criminals - just like every other time in the recorded history of oppressive regimes.

This has all happened before. For centuries. The same dismissive arguments have been used to defend the Gestapo and KGB. If there's a crime, why wouldn't you interrogate the family of everyone who was reported to be near the scene? Why wouldn't you force a confession and tick off the case if none of the leads are working out?

It takes only a few minutes of empirical thought to realize that not every crime must be solved, especially when that doctrine creates an incentive to 'solve' crimes with easy targets rather than the real perpetrator. You hit diminishing returns really hard really fast by investing extra resources into solving crimes with statistically negligible incidence rates. The only entity that stands to benefit is the proto authoritarian regime and its ability to target arbitrary population segments and continue expanding.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin knew better.

I mean it has pretty full-featured sql support, so you can probably reproduce your current scenario with it?

And you think https://tech.marksblogg.com/billion-nyc-taxi-rides-clickhous... for example is something that can be considered fast? It takes the user 55 minutes just to load its data into a state so that it can be "queryable".

After importing then they spend 34 more minutes making the data into a columnar representation. Alright so 89 minutes in and we still haven't run queries.

Oh but its not distribute yet. Darn I have to run some non standard sql commands like

CREATE TABLE trips_mergetree_x3 AS trips_mergetree_third ENGINE = Distributed(perftest_3shards, default, trips_mergetree_third, rand());

Ok can I query my data yet? No you have to move it into this distributed representation and that takes 15 more minutes. Oh ok...

And now? Yes you can run your queries but they aren't really very fast.

SELECT cab_type, count(*) FROM trips_mergetree_x3 GROUP BY cab_type;

Can take 2.5 seconds on a 108 cpu core cluster for only 1.1BN rows? Thats not fast. That's particularly slow given that requires you to ingest and optimize your data.

Maybe you want to show us an example of some simple tests you have run with blazing and clickhouse. As I read it now its not worth our time to look into becuase its so very different from what we are trying to offer which is:

Connect to your files wherever you have them ETL quickly Train / Classify Move on!

The ingest time is due to updating the merge tree. You don't need a merge tree for etl... It's like the worst backing store you could possibly choose. You're also comparing an intentionally horizontally distributed query to a purely vertical one on a single node. You can see just slightly below the same query takes 0.2 seconds on a single node.

I was hoping to see some serious consideration given to these kinds of benchmarks, considering Clickhouse is one of the most cost effective tools I've used in the real world and occasionally outperforms things like mapd.

I was expecting your solution to outperform Clickhouse at least in some aspects, and a benchmark showing where it wins. Instead you reveal ignorance of Clickhouse and even the benchmarks you linked.

Your comment comes off as incredibly arrogant and at the same time incredibly misinformed. Disappointing to see this attitude from the team.

I am ignorant of clickhouse. It doesn't really compete in the workloads we are interested in. Sorry you feel this way but we are a small team and need to consider tools that integrate with Apache Arrow and CUDF natively.

If it doesn't take input from Arrow and CUDF and it doesn't produce output that is Arrow CUDF or one of the file formats we are decompressing on the GPU. Then we don't care unless one of our users asks us for this.

We are 16 people and a year ago were 5. We can't test everything out just the tools our users need to replace in their stacks. I apologize if I came off as arrogant. I have tourette's syndrome and a few other things that make it difficult for me to communicate, particularly when discussing technical matters. If I have offended you I do apologize but not a single one of our users has said to me I am using clickhouse and want to speed up my GPU workloads. Maybe its so fast they don't mind paying a serialization cost going from clickhouse to GPU workload and if so thats great for them!


I do suggest you seriously benchmark against clickhouse, because where single node performance is concerned, it is the tool to beat outside arcane proprietary stuff like kdb+ and brytlytdb. I have used single-node clickhouse and seen interactive query times where an >10 node spark cluster was recommended by supposed experts.

Clickhouse is not a mainstream tool (and I have discussed its limitations in other threads) but it is certainly rising in popularity, and in my view it comes pretty close to 1st place for general purpose perf short of Google scale datasets.

Ok. Right now we are in tunnel vision mode to get our distributed version out by GTC in mid march. We will benchmark against clickhouse sometime in March. Do you know of any benchmark tests that are a bit more involved in terms of query complexity? We are most interested in queries where you can't be clever and use things like indexing and precomputed materializations.

The more complex the query the less you can rely on being clever and the more the guts need to be performant and that is more important to us right now.

I work for Altinity, which offers commercial support for ClickHouse. We like benchmarks. :)

We use the DTC airline on time performance dataset (https://www.transtats.bts.gov/tables.asp?DB_ID=120) and Yellow Taxi trip data from NYC Open Data (https://data.cityofnewyork.us/browse?q=yellow%20taxi%20data&...) for benchmarking real-time query performance on ClickHouse. I'm working on publishing both datasets in a form that makes it easy to load them quickly. Queries are an exercise for the reader but see Mark Litwintschik's blog for good examples of queries: https://tech.marksblogg.com/billion-nyc-taxi-clickhouse.html.

We've also done head-to-head comparisons on time series using the TSBS benchmark developed by the Timescale team. See https://www.altinity.com/blog/clickhouse-timeseries-scalabil... for a description of our tests as well as a link to the TSBS Github project.

On an unrelated note: Oh, if you guys are using the OnTime data, have a look at this: https://github.com/eyalroz/usdt-ontime-tools

BTW, I think you do need to consider materialized views. ClickHouse materialized views function like projections in Vertica. They can apply different indexing and sorting to data. Unless your query patterns are very rigid it's hard to get high performance in any DBMS without some ability to implement different clustering patterns in storage.

How is the data coverage compared to flightradar?

Last time I looked closely it was similar in North America and Europe. Asia, Africa, and over the oceans had some pretty big gaps.

There's also no delay on the data, although I think Flightradar and Flightaware dropped the 5 minute delay they used to have. Flightradar censors a lot of corporate jets and military/law enforcement aircraft but I don't think Opensky does. In fact one of either Opensky or adsbexchange even has a special flag in their REST API for "interesting" aircraft

> Flightradar censors a lot of corporate jets and military/law enforcement aircraft

Yes, this is disappointing. In the past I had seen military planes on there. I even saw fighters practising dogfighting over the North Sea. But more recently I've seen interesting aircraft fly over, such as large four-engine planes at altitude outside of normal commercial flight paths, but they just don't appear on flightradar. It's stupid because I can see the damn thing. I need to figure out an alternative to flightradar, it seems.

Some activists were using this kind of service to track dictator's flights to track stolen money [1]. If said dictator's can block their aircraft, the misappropriated funds would be easier to sneak out of the country.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12700445

ADS-B Exchange [0] has a tag for military aircraft, right now it's showing a whole bunch of military aircraft (German, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, UK, US) over central Europe.

[0] https://global.adsbexchange.com/VirtualRadar/desktop.html

Note that even the Swedish spy plane is using Ads-b while flying along the baltic International border zone taunting Russia but the migs answering the taunt is not. Also flying dangerously close to the spy plane (10 m reported once). However the US spy planes are also mostly flying with the transponder on there.

Cool, that looks much better, thanks.

Using their UI, I can't seem to find the "interesting aircraft" tag. Here's what I see:

  * No data
  * No ADS-B Emitter Category Information
  * Light (<15500 lbs)
  * Small (15500 to 75000 lbs)
  * Large (75500 to 300000 lbs)
  * High Vortex Large (aircraft such as B-757
  * Heavy (> 300000 lbs)
  * High Performance (> 5g acceleration and 400 kts)
  * Rotorcraft
  * Glider / sailplane
  * Lighter-than-air
  * Parachutist / Skydiver
  * Ultralight / hang-glider / paraglider
  * Reserved
  * Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  * Space / Trans-atmospheric vehicle
  * Surface Vehicle – Emergency Vehicle
  * Surface Vehicle – Service Vehicle
  * Point Obstacle (includes tethered balloons)
  * Cluster Obstacle
  * Line Obstacle

Yeah that was actually with adsbexchange (https://www.adsbexchange.com/currently-airborne-interesting-...).

That's really interesting, there are two Project Balloons high over the Brasilian Amazon.

The delay was a rule from the FAA for radar data provided by them, ADS-B plots have always been real-time. I am guessing (from the lack of orange icons anymore) that the ADS-B coverage is good enough now that FR24 is not using FAA feeds any more.

> I think Flightradar and Flightaware dropped the 5 minute delay they used to have

I was using Flightradar yesterday and visually tracking planes, seems like about a 10 second delay.

It doesn't. Eye fatigue is caused by being focused on the same depth for prolonged periods of time. That fixed depth being slightly closer or further away changes very little.

Having a habit of regularly looking away from your monitor and focusing on a distant object negates it. When doing prolonged microscopy work, we were trained to take a break every 30 min and focus on something very close, then focus on something far, back and forth, several times.

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