I want to see Google get its act together and offer a unified open hardware and software alternative to both Apple and Facebook. On the hardware front I want a tablet device running Android that actually looks good and is a pleasure to use (and comes with a 3G connection). On the software end, I want to see them pull together Wave, Buzz and Gmail into an online communication tool that can let me easily pull together all my online correspondence (and keep it private).
so you'd rather have ALL your data AND hardware on Google's hands for the sake of 'openness' instead of having parts of it on other companies' hands (Facebook and Apple)?
By the time they are in 8th or 9th grade they would have spent a large portion of their early years using crappy software or playing games that may be of high quality but don't teach them much about computers. And old school learning arguments works depending on the field. You can teaching computing without a computer, but only up to a point after which it becomes tedious to all but the most dedicated.