The advantage for text based interfaces is that they work over ssh/tmate over trans atlantic connections whereas the GUI tools would suffer greatly. It just works everywhere and if you learn it, it will be just as good as a gui debugger. Potentially even more ergonomic without hunting for options with a mouse.
Also not all apps write to stdout/stderr by default.
> How do you people comfortably debug C in Linux ?
It depends on what comfortable is for you. Most of my pc experience is terminal and browser and this is comfortable for me. I just use gdb for debugging. Sometimes trying lldb
"And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind."
That caught my eye. How do you people debug C (on Linux) ? I'm tired of switching constantly between Sublime and GDB. I know there's a GDB plugin for Sublime but it's a pain to configure.
I need to edit my code AND set breaks in the same GUI window. There is DDD but it's old and odd looking. Tried Kate also but for some reason didn't like it.
The only thing I needed to configure are the paths to the executables to debug and their command line arguments.
This is for LLDB, but GDB works the samé, set the type to `gdb`.
Have you tried setting up a build command in Sublime Text to run gdb? I find it a bit easier for cli stuff that depending on a plugin. The json config is rather simple.
There is termdebug for Vim (should be included in Vim package itself) which lets you have a fancy TUI/editor together with the full power of GDB console.
The normal workflow for this kind of thing in vim is that you set up some keyboard shortcut that suits you in your personal configuration. Most people aren't manually using command mode for things like this.