very balanced thought. World does run on incentives and social structure defines a major role . I am not sure how AI can ever replace that . I love your analogy of 70s word processor . I have always referred AI to my folks that it is nothing but an updated version of clippy
self improving only when it knows how to test itself . if the test is predictable outcome defined by humans most companies are going to fine tune to pass self improving test , but what happens next . Improvement is vague in terms of who seeks the benefit and may not fall as how humans have thought over millions of years of evolution.
think more deeply . who benefits with super intelligence ? at the end it is game of what humans desire naturally. AI has no incentive and are not controlled by hormones.
This is how political ideology often gains ground:
First, an initially outrageous idea is introduced.
Over time, this idea is gradually normalized, becoming more acceptable.
Eventually, it’s implemented with the support of hidden allies who were quietly aligned all along."
Birthrate issues in east asia come down to short term rewards vs long term rewards. Income/leisure/career vs national security/sustaining ethnic identity. This fixes nothing and helps no one
I think planned is far to strong a word. I think that instead, it is simply a byproduct of the cultural adoption of hedonism (which places happiness above other human goals) and consumerism (Which places material acquisition as the primary means to achieve ones goals).
Hedonism and consumerism are pushed by a broad by swath of interests, from industry to government, so there is no need for a grand conspiracy.
It's not. There were literal campaigns across the world to limit childbirth.
> I think that instead, it is simply a byproduct of the cultural adoption of hedonism (which places happiness above other human goals) and consumerism (Which places material acquisition as the primary means to achieve ones goals).
All culture is planned.
> Hedonism and consumerism are pushed by a broad by swath of interests, from industry to government, so there is no need for a grand conspiracy.
It's not a "conspiracy". It was open government policy. All over the world. China's 1 child policy being the most prominent and heavy handed approach. But governments around the world implemented a 2 child policy.
In the US, we didn't even have to implement such government because of media control over the masses. The "native" US birth rate has been below replacement since the late 1960s. Thanks to media conditioning.
To show you how easily people are manipulated, people now think everything they disagree with is a "conspiracy theory" because the media told them to.
While yes, I agree that governments tried to control population, I disagree that this is the outcome they were looking for, and disagree that planned government policy is largely responsible for the current situation.
To break that down. I agree people would be a fool to think that governments don't have population objectives and act on them. The part I disagree with is:
1) What those objectives were. No government wanted to create a population bubble.
2) The impact of government reproductive policy relative to popular culture. I think these impacts are tiny in comparison to (other) economic policies, and general culture outside of the government.
3) The idea that policy on population size is treated as an end in of itself, versus a means to achieving other policy goals, such as economics and stability.
It's super-easy for very short range, super-difficult for long range. Reason is the wavelength is so long (speed of length/60KHz = 5Kms) that you need a massive aerial for lange range, however for short range you can feed the MW or LW coil of an AM radio to spoof a time signal (ideally make it resonant by adding the right amount of capacitance, look up "tank circuit"). Watch out if you add amplification though, due to the lnog wavelength and the high inductances involved (if you get that far) it is possible to end up with dangerous voltages at the aerial feed.
A sound card with a true 192Khz sample rate should be enough to fool a radio clock next to the transmitter coil - though be aware a lot of sound cards may not actually output the 60kHz carrier frequency required.