I think the point was that an orthopaedic surgeon can change hospitals and immediately get to work doing orthopaedic surgery. Sure, there might be some difference in how to clock in or who to report to, but they aren't suddenly working with a different type of human. Their job will remain constant despite changing environs, whereas moving between software companies could have you learning entirely different stacks that affect your process in fundamental ways.
are you suggesting the company's staffing policy influences what users post? I don't agree the arrow points in that direction. or that there's an arrow between those topics at all
I have a couple 15-20 year old base trim level cars and they use the exact same dashboards as their premium siblings. The unused button spots are still there they just haven’t been punched out yet
You can be "retired" (don't _need_ to work) and still have a dayjob. My father-in-law does this and works 2 days a week so he doesn't get bored and has a little more spending money, all because he likes his profession but not because he has to work for a living anymore
Those publishers are for sure not producing "the greatest games of all time." You'd find those reqs even sooner on PC where you have to install their own store app, too
Oh, i think Rumudiez meant it as a general recommendation to everyone who might be interested to learn more. Not specifically to me. Or at least that makes the most sense so i choose that interpretation.
But yeah, there is a lot of stories about patients with bad outcomes with colostomy bags. It sure beats dying of course. As a general rule of thumb: every time you cut into a human there is a high chance of things going wrong. The more you are changing after you cut into them the more likely and more severe the sideffects will be. (Very rough approximation of course.)
This is something i constantly think about cyborgs. They are a a staple of scifis, and usually portraied as stronger and faster than regular humans. But every cyborg with lets say a cybernetic arm would be medically an amputee. Every amputee can tell you that stumps suck. They get infected, or get pressure sores, or their skin gets irritated, etc etc unless you are treating them just right, and even then sometimes they hurt when you did everything right. How would you even grow metal and muscle/skin together without the meat constantly pulling away and getting infected? That is the real scifi not the brain-computer interface.
> …significantly higher than his baseline of [sic] level of 210 to 300
so they measured before and 8 months after the diet change to find a 4x increase in cholesterol