I, for one, am glad that I live in a country that's willing to commit atrocities and hide them from me so that I can peacefully sit on my ass and have all my goods and entertainment delivered straight to my various orifices.
What @seanvelasco wrote about the dropdown, but also Switzerland has 4 official languages (with German having the largest amount of speakers) but it's displayed as French. Maybe separate the country from the language? Would also be helpful for expats :)
Thank you for the feedback! I used French because it’s my native language, I didn’t know that German is the most used. Separating the country from the language is a great idea, I’ll work on that!
Work. I count 5 profiles on my current laptop. I like to compartmentalize my work/external projects, so I don't mix things like search histories, multiple Google accounts, etc.
These are the profiles I currently have:
1. Default, personal. My personal Gmail and other sites.
2. Non-profit that I run, signed in to its Gmail and other email account, etc
3. 3 profiles for different volunteer/contract roles, each signed in to their Gmail and other accounts.
One example - my shopping profile runs the extensions Rakuten/Honey to find coupon codes. I don't want those running on every single page I load outside of the shopping intent, so I use a separate profile.
Firefox's containers don't allow for limiting extensions, so you have to use profiles. Chrome only has profiles.
Does not work with Brave 1.8.86 (current) with Shields Up - JS errors for localstorage and precision. Works with Shields down. Would be nice to either still have it work but show a message maybe?
Very nice otherwise!