Fantastic. This is far overdue and looks like a solid start.
I have been particularly surprised by how few options there are in the CS space that are open source and options like Zendesk are SO expensive and the pricing tiers and cost structures are prohibitive for many small organizations.
I adore Timeshift. It has made my time on Linux so much more trouble free.
I have used Linux for 10+ years but over the I have spent hours, days and weeks trying to undo or fix little issues I introduce by tinkering around with things. Often I seem to break things at the worst times, right as I am starting to work on some new project or something that is time sensitive.
Now, I can just roll back to an earlier stable version if I don't want to spend the time right then on troubleshooting.
I've enabled this on all my family members machines and teach them to just roll back when Linux goes funky.
I enabled this four months ago and I have had the same experience.
It’s not that I couldn’t retype the config file I accidentally wrote over while tinkering, but I like the safety that comes with Timeshift to try and fail a few times.
Hard lessons come hard. This softens those lessons a little while maintaining the learning.
While it's not quite average-user-friendly (YET), one of the reasons I switched to NixOS is because it provides this out-of-the-box. I was frustrated with every other Linux for the reasons you cite, but NixOS I can deal with, since 1) screwing up the integrity of a system install is hard to begin with, 2) if you DO manage to do it, you can reboot into any of N previous system updates (where you set N).
Linux is simultaneously the most configurable and the most brittle OS IMHO. NixOS takes away all the brittleness and leaves all the configurability, with the caveat that you have to declaratively configure it using the Nix DSL.
NixOS also has out of the box support for zfs auto snapshots, where you can tell it to keep 3 months, four weeks, 24 hourly, and frequent snapshots evert fifteen minutes so you can time shift your home directory, too
I am curious how long it will take for Sam to go from being perceived as a hero to a villain and then on to supervillain.
Even if they had a massive, successful and public safety team, and got alignment right (which I am highly doubtful about being possible) it is still going to happen as massive portions of white collar workers loose their jobs.
Mass protests are coming and he will be an obvious focus point for their ire.
> I am curious how long it will take for Sam to go from being perceived as a hero to a villain and then on to supervillain.
He's already perceived by some as a bit of a scoundrel, if not yet a villain, because of World Coin. I bet he'll hit supervillain status right around the time that ChatGPT BattleBots storm Europe.
When he was fired there was a short window where the prevailing reaction here was "He must have done something /really/ bad." Then opinion changed to "Sam walks on water and the board are the bad guys". Maybe that line of thinking was a mistake.
> I am curious how long it will take for Sam to go from being perceived as a hero to a villain and then on to supervillain.
He probably already knows that, but doesn't care as long as OpenAI has captured the world's attention with ChatGPT generating them billions and their high interest in destroying Google.
> Mass protests are coming and he will be an obvious focus point for their ire.
This is going to age well.
Given that no-one knows the definition of AGI, then AGI can mean anything; even if it means 'steam-rolling' any startup, job, etc in OpenAI's path.
Agreed. I remember the town hall meeting where they announced the transition to being Alphabet. My manager was flying home from the US at the time. He left a Google employee and landed an Alphabet employee.
I know it was probably meaningless in any real sense, but when they dropped the Dont Be Evil motto, it was a sign that the fun times were drawing to an end.