Do you know what a Gish Gallop is? Do you know why they work? no? lets move on then. The creditability of the author MATTERS especially when the author has been known to edit videos to make it look like the subject said something they didn't. Im not spending 2 hours of my life to timestamp every single malicious edit. Do you remember that "Who Is America?" show?
What made all this worse was the fact that Der Spiegel was looked up to for (supposedly) having a solid team of fact-checkers.
As the medium post shows (and the magazine's own investigation afterwards) was that not even basic and publicly available info was checked, such as the percentage of pro-Trump voters, let alone the rest of the original article's hilariously ridiculous claims.
Another Der Spiegel reporter who was suspicious of Relotius tried raising his concerns with the management after he did some digging of his own, which almost cost him his job and reputation:
Der Spiegel enjoyed the profits of Relotius' fiction and peddled literal fake news to the world for years, and the magazine's readers lapped it all up because it reinforced their biases.
Similar issue in my country (Portugal). On our largest second-hand market ( the laptops in the 60-80 EUR range are pretty much all described as "for parts", and their specs are not comparable to this RPi model.
The snide comments like the GP's are due to them living in the american bubble.
EDIT: also note the comment you're replying to is using a traditional workstation "slab" as an example. I'd rather use a small RPi that frees up more desk space than buy something that will make my work environment at home even more cramped!
>Just a note on the word "nationalist" re: Taiwan. It's confusing to most, but in Taiwan, "nationalist" is the pro-China faction, due to historical association of that term with the KMT.
>"Green," pro-independence, or "TI" (Taiwan Independence) would be the less confusing term for the side you think might lose with this development.
> Except in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, or (more arguably) Japan. And South Korea, while they had a rougher early outbreak, seems to have gotten a lid on the disease now.
And how long can they keep strict containment in force, and what happens when it lifted? You're speaking as if China or SK are now magically immune from a second wave as soon as they relax their restrictions.
Jim Browning is another great channel related to this, in that he does his best to infiltrate the callcenters he gets calls from and find the info needed to alert (or even refund!) the victims:
While Kitboga's scambaits are definitely entertaining and a waste of the scammers' time, Jim seems to be doing the work that a police unit should be doing.
Around the time just before the MAX was grounded, I remember there being lots of unfounded speculations (here on HN as well!) that Lion Air's and Ethiopian's pilots were somehow substandard and lacking the training of their first world counterparts. Meanwhile it was Boeing actively keeping vital information and training from pilots.
The lesson from this is still not learned, and can see at least one apologist on this thread repeating this same BS's infuriating.