As bank I'd look into these 4.x % of loans where the machine learning disagrees.
This headline feels like 20 years old though, except for calling it "AI".
The theory is valid but too abstract to really point out where people lose something in return for what they've gained.
It's true that people can gain efficiency with specialization for example, but that's not necessarily a gain unless you define efficiency as the primary goal to be achieved.
This gained efficiency will then over time make this the most economical way to produce. This effectively harms everyone that hasn't adapted yet
It's just not an easy topic and claiming it is doesn't help whatsoever
This is a visualization tool of an IPCC study where you can compare various climate scenarios. All the data and publications are available there too:
By the way, it's quite hard to nail down what exactly a certain region will look like in 30 years. That depends a whole lot on the assumptions that you take.
The models used for such work (IPCC etc) are rather suitable to compare actions, e.g. "If we don't take measure X and Y now, then the average temperature in this region will be 0.7° higher 30 years from now, compared to taking that measure."
When receiving the vaccination in Austria, I was told to avoid physical activity or sports for three days. The nurse told that a befriended doctor was treating a couple of patients, all of them young males, with myocarditis after the vaccination. Does anybody else have a source for that?
The article unfortunately doesn't mention this. But maybe in the US military, and among young fit males in general, such an exercise pause isn't taken.
>to avoid physical activity or sports for three days.
similar advice in Russia is to avoid alcohol - main Russian heart/health stressor :) - post-vaccine, originally for 42 days, later, after massive outpour of public displeasure to say the least, the recommended period was decreased to 6 days.
Let's put it this way. Just because we have zoos doesn't make those animals native. There is probably some threshold of self sustainance and propagation in the region to call it native, after many centuries I would presume.
Some of they definitely are. One of the most famous, Phoenix canariensis is endemic from Spanish Islands. The Mediterranean has also several native palms, and even ecosystems when palms are one of the dominant species. Chamaerops humilis, the palmito, is a small palm. Is a 100% legit European palm (and a fairly decent vegetable also that could fit perfectly in this list).
The GP may or not be suggesting that, but coconuts do migrate. Their physical structure enables that: a sealed capsule that can float, with rich nutrient density inside, and airtight, so due to all that, stays viable while it is carried across oceans from one country to another. And germinates and grows at the destination.
Read something to that effect somewhere, maybe in Wikipedia or similar.
Winds and tides and ocean currents and waves do the rest.
The plants that developed seed dispersal in micronesia are fascinating. It's a tough evolutionary nut to crack. Honestly though, I was making a holy grail joke ;^)
All of nature and natural mechanisms are fascinating. So much of math and science and beauty in it, as scientists and the lay public keep discovering.
Just today, sitting at a cafe outside a town, I saw something new to me: a small frog, just about one inch in length, sitting vertically on the low side wall of the cafe. I think it was actually climbing up the wall. At first I thought it was a large insect.
Then went closer and saw it was a frog. Took a photo of it.
Edit: If I can, I will post a link to that photo here. (Have some constraints for that at present.)
I didn't get the holy grail joke. Googling seems to show it is related to Monty Python shows, which I do not watch, Guido knows why :)
Thank you, this comes in handy and was really missing!
It's sad that the newest phone supporting lineage 17.1 and a swappable battery is from 2015.
Another nice feature would be to list the phones that unofficial lineage images exist for - like my moto G5 which works very well.
I'm not sure whether you are serious. But if you are: There are not many people who agree on your opinion, otherwise the share price would be way higher.
Airlines have a very low profit margin business. They earn very less for the amount of money they invest in the product. Therefore, capitalists are not very interested in the dividend. It is also a high risk business as the market is very volatile (see current crisis) and have a high merger/fail rate.
Lufthansa is one of the top carriers in the world with a solid infrastructure and network. The eliminated many competitors by just letting them starve themselves in low prices while Lufthansa never compete. I personally do not doubt their value. But the overall market is not an investment friendly one.