watch Fabrice Grinda at TedXParis (in French) - implementing ideas taken from one country into another is what he does for a living.
Entrevaux, France - for something different. Old Vauban fortress in a small village in the southern alps of France.
Not sure I am in a position to give an ADVICE on the matter but the CHOICE I made for my free service is to roll in advertising and affiliation when I have something that add value to the user experience of the service. E.g. I love receiving Amazon's reading recommendations!
I had to uninstall beta 2 to uprade to start with cause it wouldn't recognize 9.5 as a higher version than 9.5 beta 2. I stupidly did a sudo apt-get remove opera (instead of a dpkg -r opera).
I then installed opera_9.50.etch-qt3_i386.deb using GDebi, went well but DragonFly doesn't work (Opera does but not DF). Something is fucked up with the windowing. It worked "well" with beta 2 ...
My mistake, I love Opera and fucked up the installation :P
Damn, their packaging is clearly better for OpenSUSE, as it had no trouble recognising the higher version number, and I'm using DragonFly this minute. I had some trouble with beta 2 as it didn't import my 9.27 profile correctly and crashed halfway through. (I backed it up before trying 9.5 at least) Release version's working fine. It's nice to have Flash working again properly.
By the way, as far as I know, DragonFly is just some javascript that hooks into the interpreter/VM, so you might be able to download it from their developer website to fix the problem.