IMO the reason Apple doesn't provide this level of hardware documentation is because modern Macs don't have comparable expansion capabilities. The kind that expose system buses on connectors that users are supposed to plug cards into, and third-party developers to interact directly with hardware to make those cards work. On a modern Mac, you've got USB and Thunderbolt that you can interact with from a userspace program.
Though I'm not denying that some of the newer macOS APIs are very poorly documented. As in, you know you've stumbled upon the cool shit when you end up on one of those old pages with a blue gradient in the header that says "Apple documentation archive".
I think in modern environments the odds of this sort of bug slipping into released firmware/software are much lower. Address spaces are much bigger and the vast majority of addresses aren't mapped so doing a memory operation on a garbage address is going to fail most of the time, and invalid instructions will probably fail too.
Reading from a jump table with an index that's too big is a realistic sort of bug to have, so I could see that part making it into modern shipped software. But I would expect the process to fall over when it happens, not keep on trucking like it did here.
FWIW, WebAssembly is an environment where bugs of this sort are more possible, since it has a single linear address space where every address is both readable and writable. So if your garbage address is within range you can do an erroneous read, write or CAS and get away with it. But then invalid instructions like in the post will cause the WASM module to fail to load, so it's still not 1:1 comparable with this issue in the mac's ROM.
Three countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are disconnecting from Russia literally in 2 weeks for that specific reason, so it's an horrible idea to interconnect everything in the current world.
Wouldn't it be best to leave the connections open just in case? I get not wanting to give the Kremlin a big button that says "black out Estonia" but as long as they can also get juice from the EU grid too, what's the problem? I suppose it's an issue of grid synchronization? If so, DC links could be used on politically tenuous connections on the global power network.
That seems like a problem of a single large provider and not a connectivity problem. It's a monopoly issue that would be less of a problem if a single or even a minority of players were not the largest producer.
At least electricity can be produced more broadly than gas where you had to win the lottery of location or game of Thrones of imperialism.
I mean, logistically speaking everybody is already depending on the US pretty much. So you could say this about every country in the world from one perspective or another.
A 'team', by definition, consists of more people than 'you.'
And, by the time a '#githelp team' is formed, it's to address patterns to which there are known solutions.
One of the many problems with Git, is that these solutions depend very, very much on the structure of the repo and the common practices of its users.
So, instead of executing random commands from the Internet, just ask. Please! Or, if there's truly nobody going to be around, give in and recreate the repo. You'll save yourself so much pain in the long run...
> A 'team', by definition, consists of more people than 'you.'
I'm the resident git expert, but not by choice. There's more that I don't know than that I do. It's not uncommon that I need to use internet recipes to un-wedge someone's clone.
> Or, if there's truly nobody going to be around, give in and recreate the repo. You'll save yourself so much pain in the long run...
This is insane. There are a dozen other people using the remote, not to mention a whole CI/CD build configuration.
OK, so you've truly screwed up your your personal/small-team repos to the point of requiring poorly-understood command sequences from the Notoriously Reliable Internet more than once?
I don't understand your surprise or disbelief. I would imagine most devs have been there. As evidence: just look at Stack Overflow, and compare it to what it's apparently intended to look like and how it's supposed to work (as a denizen of I am quite familiar with this struggle).
Bro, really, self-taught people with a bare minimum understanding of the tools they use are super normal, and when they get into a pit they have to fix it themselves.
Although to your point folks would be better served carefully reading the docs / git book than googling a specific solution to their specific error code.
For me, the value of things like this is in learning the terminology for what I broke and how to fix it. I'm not going to copy-and-paste advice off the Internet. I never have. It's still super helpful to see "oh, that thing I want to do is called frobnitzing the corple. Now I know what to Google!"
"Bro" is the furthest thing from "gender neutral". Not sure how you could think it's gender neutral. It originated from male behavior and is definitely not gender neutral. You can address women as "bro" and they might even respond to you but they'll think you're absolutely weird.
"bro", "bruh", it's more of an exclamation of surprise than a title conferred to the person being addressed, but even then, I don't know, people call folks "auntie" and "uncle" who aren't actually their auntie and uncle. language is flexible. it may reference the kind of fraternity between brothers but that feeling is not limited to the male sex.
I'm about 95% sure that if I ask my two school-age daughters if it's weird to address girls and women as "bro" or "bruh" in informal circumstances, they'll say no. Since I hear them do it with some regularity.
>> You can address women as "bro" and they might even respond to you but they'll think you're absolutely weird.
>I'm about 95% sure that if I ask my two school-age daughters if it's weird to address girls and women as "bro" or "bruh"
I'm 100% sure I said women, and not "school-age" girls, who if they weren't your daughters would probably describe you as "creep" because that's what teenage girls do. But sure, go ahead and move the goalposts anywhere you want. If citing teenage girls helps you think you're making some kind of point, then the mic is all yours.
No, the female and non-binary people in my life both give and accept "bro" or "bruh" without complaint. I once asked one of my non-binary friends directly how they felt about "bro", "dude", etc and they consider those words to be gender neutral. They are like the word "man" now ("IDK man").
That's actually how it was originally, because in Old English "man" just meant a gender-neutral "person."
Gendered versions were "wer" and "wif", so you could have a "wer-man" and a "wif-man", the latter changing pronunciation to become "woman". I suppose this also means that there are both "werewolves" and "wifwolves".
Yes. I think the ratio of small-team repos this describes is close to 100%. You seem to have a certain idea of how repos are managed. I don't think it's very representative of reality.
• if you are lucky enough to live until old, you'll likely need an elevator.
• if you are unlucky enough to die young, you'll likely not need an elevator.
The thing is that the 3Rs/9Rs are basically anti-comsumerist / anti-capitalist, and as such can’t gain traction in our current system. The system wants you to buy a new widget, not to reuse or repair your old one.
Having a record of such a minor infraction doesn’t seem to me a problem, in and of itself. The problem would be if such records were public, available to potential employers, etc. If the records were private to the courts, that’d be something else. Not sure how it is in USA.
It’s a difficult balance. On one hand, privacy is important. On the other hand, visibility into the system is an important check on the power of law enforcement. It’s especially important for arrests; you really, really do not want the police to be allowed to secretly jail people. But it’s important for other things too. In this example, if the police were using rollerblading citations as a way to harass a certain group of people, it’s good to have access to that information to be able to discover this.
Not in the least. I’m just saying there are good reasons for everything that did happen to be public record. (And some good reasons for privacy. There’s a conflict and a balance to be found.)
In the USA it is public record which in practice means anyone with money can get the record. This is potentially a large part of the high US recidivism. Once you have been convicted once, most employers will see the record and refuse to hire you forever.
Assuming the record was as an adult, it will be reported publicly by the county (or other jurisdiction) court system and be on public record. This used to be a musty records keeping office somewhere you'd have to go in person and request the records of the individual in question - so without prior knowledge of where a conviction was it was difficult to "background check" people without extensive investigation.
Then these became digitized and put on-line most places.
The larger issue is data brokers who aggregate the records of literally everyone in the entire US (or close to it) into one database you can pay them to make lookups into. They send someone to every courthouse in the US (well, they sub-contract others who sub-contract, etc.) and get all new records. This builds a nationally searchable database that more or lives on indefinitely. All legal since the records are public information.
You can get records sealed and such by court order, but once it's aggregated it's basically a game of whack-a-mole. You can go further and get it expunged which typically requires a state governor signature or similar, where then you might have better luck with said data brokers as the penalties for reporting it are heavy in some states.
It's a very fractionalized system, built out of bailing wire and duct tape like most such records are in the US for historical reasons.
Some employers simply have a binary policy of "zero criminal records" and don't go any further into detail beyond that. Other employers are more lenient, but the more desirable a job is the more likely you are to run into the former policy.
Adult criminal records are public in the US (juvenile records vary by state but are usually confidential, and I think in most states also automatically expunged after a certain period or age.)