By "ZIRP", did you mean "Zero interest-rate policy", "Zurich Integrative Rodent Physiology" or "Zimbabwe Idai Recovery Project" (top 3 results on DuckDuckGo)?
I'm regularly getting enquiries but I do DevOps (AWS, Kubernetes and Istio) so I guess my skillset is still in demand.
I guess what's more important for me is the type of work. I'm looking for startup work that's a bit more secure now, if that's possible, lol! Doesn't seem so easy to find.
Bunch of companies migrate their stack to Kubernetes or other orchestrators (side effect of moving to microservices even when not needed) so you are safe and in demand for long.
Anecdotal example, though I'm sure I'm not the only one:
We had a C++ service. It needed high availability, but didn't have super high resource requirements. Our setup was an ec2 instance (c5.xlarge) to build and release AMIs (a bash script using debootstrap to build the AMI which someone wrote 10 years ago probably), an autoscaling group of 3 t2.small instances spread across AZs, and an ALB.
The total cost of this was perhaps $200/mo, and we had incredibly good uptime.
So, what's the catch? Well, it took the service about 20 minutes to build, and about 35 minutes from clicking the "deploy new version" to it actually running. Someone higher up noticed, and a bright-eyed infra engineer said k8s would make the deploy cycle faster.
Fast forward a year. Our autoscaling group is now 3 c5.xlarge instances because the kubelet + docker + coredns + all this other k8s gunk I don't understand need significantly more CPU than our app does (and without giving them more CPU, deploy times were much slower since downloading and unpacking the image was so slow). We have a new logging system (our old logging setup wasn't cloud native apparently) that takes a gig more memory per node. A gig of memory per node to support our service, which peaks at 200MiB RSS. Building and deploying a new version still takes about 35 minutes because compiling C++ is the exact same speed in a dockerfile as it is on an ec2 instance.
It costs about $600/mo, and it has far more operational load. When it isn't having any issues, the p99 is identical.
> better performance or lesser costs
It seems like the opposite of what you'd expect. K8s is adding more components. It's adding more resource usage. Why wouldn't that be slower and cost more?
Where does Amazon document that 24 hour minimum? I've just encountered this problem but been unable to find anything on that. It makes the On Demand cloud concept completely useless.
I didn't get a discount on my stadia preorder, purchased in July. Of course, it hasn't shipped yet either and the originals release/delivery date was supposed to be the 19th iirc.
>The reason, cos Google don't employ any decent usability experts. //
They must, surely?
It seems more likely to be the "one-button mouse effect" where leadership dictates something like "minimal interface" to be king and refuses to believe anyone could possible not understand their product?
If I read your comment correctly, I believe you are suggesting that backends will provide APIs, which would leave us with the MC in MVC, the controller is still needed to map data structures to API endpoints.
My question to you is this: why do you believe that? I think we have all witnessed a growth in popularity in front-end MVC frameworks, but are they the correct solution to all problems?
> the controller is still needed to map data structures to API endpoints.
I mean, kind of. You don't really need much controller logic most of the time anymore. Last Rails backend I wrote probably involved personally writing a few lines of code here and there. Generally, I'm just pushing a JSON object back and forth. Auth and emails can just be 3rd party. The vast majority of controller type behavior ends up client side at this point. Partly, because its way simpler to scale with you push as much processing to the client as you can. Also, look at something like Firebase or Hoodie as examples of simple stores that require no backend logic.
Its not that Rails and Symfony are useless, I use them all the time, its just that they are kind of dated concepts. Heck even Wordpress solves a specific problem on the backend enough to be useful sometimes. That said Drupal at this point is such a dated concept(superseded by things like Rails and Symfony many years ago) that is should no longer be used.
Well, I don't think anyone's taking much notice of that advice if you go by job stats. Drupal is enjoying tremendous adoption and if you look at Drupal 8 code you'll discover it is built on Symfony components.
Front-end MVC frameworks are deployed and run client-side. Their emergence is a supporting point to the argument that the view is migrating away from the web server and onto the client device(s).
I can imagine more and more web apps as frontends to multiple services of other companies, but there is still space for custom backends. I've got a customer that is developing its company around a custom ERP (under development) because he says there is nothing out there that can interface the systems he has to exchange data with. Of course sooner or later somebody will provide those services, using backend technologies.