iOS and Android clients do not yet have URLs with the "n" parameter. This is why specifying the clientName as "IOS," along with the specific YouTube key, currently yields URLs that remain unthrottled.
However, acquiring this key requires decompiling the mobile application, monitoring requests through a proxy, or relying on values discovered by others. It's not necessarily straightforward.
I do agree that the code is simpler this way.
I also find it interesting that, by default, yt-dlp calls the YouTube API three times, initially as an Android client, then as an iOS client, and finally as a Web client. Depending on the video and certain other parameters, YouTube provides different formats to different clients.
"However, acquiring this key decompiling the mobile application, monitoring requests through a proxy or relying on values discovered by others."
This is again not true. The key is in the HTML of every /watch?v= YouTube page. It's a public key; it's not hidden in any way.
Further, it's possible, up until today at least, to use the "WEB" key with clientName "ANDROID" of "IOS" and receive unthrottled URLs. The key in the shell script is in fact the WEB key. The key for IOS is different.
Have you ever tried to download videos from YouTube? I mean manually without relying on software like youtube-dl, yt-dlp or one of “these” websites. It’s much more complicated than you might think.
A very long time ago, I've worked on a Perl script to do just that ( ). Of course the problem with this sort of scripts is that they keep chasing behind changes youtube makes precisely to prevent video downloading.
Yes, by injecting my own userscript using my (judging by WEI not for long) USER AGENT. I dont even screw around reimplementing their signature/n decoding/throttling functions, I grep for player.js match(/(?:player\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/)?(?:html5player|(?:www|player(?:_ias)?))[-\.]([^/]+?)(?:(?:\/html5player(?:-new)?)?|(?:\/[a-z]{2,3}_[A-Z]{2})?\/base)\.js/), then grep in that for relevant functions and call those directly. You could say that from YT perspective everything is 100% kosher, its their own DRM functions unlocking .mp4 link for me :)
Meh, Google know that nobody would pay for that as a selling point when it only applied to a third of videos, and they will never get copyright clearance from third parties for more than that.
I think you misunderstood what I said. I would gladly pay premium/subscription for videos that are OK with it. I don't care about those that don't, they just won't get my subscription.
I think parent means the YouTube app. On iOS (and android/chromos?) you can actually download videos and watch them offline if you got a premium membership. But then the videos are under control by the app.
Yes, and I replied to that. It’s not really an alternative to an actual video download.
It’s not the raw video file, you can only access it from the app or website, and there’s restrictions on how long you can be offline before the app/website will stop you from watching it.
I tried to trick google by creating an account using VPN in Europe. I even managed to subscribe for Premium. Even with an active Premium subscription Youtube app won't let me use its features such as downloading, background play and picture in picture (you know, basically everything)
Because "you live in the wrong part of the world". Creating a problem, selling the solution is what they do.
Like, I don't even care about downloading, but Google intentionally cripples their mobile website experience by suppressing pip and background play. It would cost zero dollars not to do this but they did.
Not sure what part of not using your suggested command line tools but wanting to just use the official version like everyone else warrants calling someone openly stupid