1. | | How To Write Good Log Messages (trottercashion.com) |
85 points by trotter_cashion on Aug 9, 2012 | past | 54 comments
2. | | Introducing Chloe, a realtime web server (trottercashion.com) |
13 points by trotter_cashion on June 13, 2011 | past
3. | | Easily install CloudFoundry locally (trottercashion.com) |
4 points by trotter_cashion on April 14, 2011 | past
4. | | Use Git Plumbing For More Awesome Github Pages (trottercashion.com) |
11 points by trotter_cashion on April 11, 2011 | past
5. | | How To Create Hover Areas in Raphael (trottercashion.com) |
3 points by trotter_cashion on April 7, 2011 | past
6. | | Are you working for github yet? (amiworkingforgithubnow.com) |
74 points by trotter_cashion on Feb 10, 2011 | past | 30 comments
7. | | Ruby’s define_method, method_missing, and instance_eval (trottercashion.com) |
5 points by trotter_cashion on Feb 8, 2011 | past
8. | | Replace make with Rake (trottercashion.com) |
11 points by trotter_cashion on Oct 31, 2010 | past | 6 comments
9. | | Crowd Sourcing Business Development (trottercashion.com) |
10 points by trotter_cashion on Oct 27, 2010 | past | 1 comment
10. | | How to automate business processes using Ruby and Markdown (matschaffer.com) |
5 points by trotter_cashion on Sept 27, 2010 | past
11. | | Simulchart: Create and share realtime graphs [video] (vimeo.com) |
5 points by trotter_cashion on Sept 1, 2010 | past
12. | | Real-time charts that you can share as widgets for node knockout (no.de) |
9 points by trotter_cashion on Aug 30, 2010 | past
13. | | Strange Loop's Entire Lineup released (thestrangeloop.com) |
1 point by trotter_cashion on July 28, 2010 | past
14. | | Startups: Don’t Hire Frontend or Backend Webdevs (trottercashion.com) |
76 points by trotter_cashion on July 7, 2010 | past | 37 comments
15. | | Easily request files from clients without forcing them to sign up for Dropbox (airdropper.com) |
2 points by trotter_cashion on June 28, 2010 | past
16. | | Easy variables for CSS using erb and chuusha (trottercashion.com) |
1 point by trotter_cashion on April 29, 2010 | past
17. | | Headless unit testing of Raphael.js is possible, and it's awesome (trottercashion.com) |
4 points by trotter_cashion on April 27, 2010 | past | 2 comments
18. | | Here's why Raphael.js and SVG totally rock. (trottercashion.com) |
194 points by trotter_cashion on April 22, 2010 | past | 54 comments
19. | | Croon My Tune - Create A Singing Greeting Using Mechanical Turk (aws.typepad.com) |
2 points by trotter_cashion on April 14, 2010 | past
20. | | Croonmytune: Share a singing message with your friends (croonmytune.com) |
2 points by trotter_cashion on March 8, 2010 | past
21. | | Cha Cha Cha Change, TSA Style (r38y.com) |
2 points by trotter_cashion on Nov 13, 2009 | past | 3 comments