1. | | The Laughing Muggers (medium.com/the-nib) |
1 point by robinh on July 9, 2014 | past
2. | | PHD Comics: Cosmic Inflation Explained (phdcomics.com) |
10 points by robinh on March 21, 2014 | past | 1 comment
3. | | Ask HN: Have you remapped the Caps Lock key? [Poll] |
28 points by robinh on Dec 27, 2013 | past | 64 comments
4. | | NSA Spying: Whom Do You Believe? (schneier.com) |
3 points by robinh on Dec 23, 2013 | past
5. | | World Solar Challenge 2013 (worldsolarchallenge.org) |
1 point by robinh on Oct 6, 2013 | past
6. | | EVE Online: Rubicon (eveonline.com) |
2 points by robinh on Sept 26, 2013 | past
7. | | Xkcd: Privacy Opinions (xkcd.com) |
11 points by robinh on Sept 25, 2013 | past
8. | | Europe vs NSA: Know thyself, know thy neighbours (dw.de) |
1 point by robinh on Sept 6, 2013 | past
9. | | Song: Edward and the NSA (narkive.com) |
1 point by robinh on June 17, 2013 | past
10. | | Schneier on Security: Prosecuting Snowden (schneier.com) |
3 points by robinh on June 13, 2013 | past
11. | | ELF Revisited: Using C (negrebskoh.net) |
2 points by robinh on May 6, 2013 | past
12. | | C++ Annotations (9.6.0) (sourceforge.net) |
1 point by robinh on March 1, 2013 | past
13. | | Ask HN: Help a fellow hacker - drop out and get a job or get the CS degree? |
13 points by robinh on Feb 22, 2013 | past | 24 comments
14. | | Have no heroes, and no villains (lesswrong.com) |
4 points by robinh on Feb 20, 2013 | past
15. | | Shooter Boys and At-Risk Girls (vice.com) |
4 points by robinh on Feb 16, 2013 | past
16. | | Second Higgs possibility pops up in CERN data (theregister.co.uk) |
1 point by robinh on Dec 16, 2012 | past
17. | | Copyright trolls, biz scum, freetards - it's NOT black and white (theregister.co.uk) |
1 point by robinh on Dec 16, 2012 | past
18. | | Book Review: Against Security (schneier.com) |
2 points by robinh on Dec 16, 2012 | past
19. | | Disk Encryption (ArchWiki) (archlinux.org) |
1 point by robinh on Dec 15, 2012 | past
20. | | Stephen Hawking pushes for posthumous pardon for Alan Turing (theregister.co.uk) |
83 points by robinh on Dec 15, 2012 | past | 29 comments
21. | | Brainstorm with HN: Let's fix ridiculously expensive education |
12 points by robinh on Dec 1, 2012 | past | 12 comments